These bags designed just for the new Synergy S40 models feature the yellow self-sealing bag collar. Remember to replace the bag when it's two-thirds full.
These bags will not fit X9 or G9 models...
These HEPA media vacuum bags fit all Wonder Straight Suction canister vacuums.
Self-sealing closure system makes it easy and clean to remove and replace bags
A rubber seal locks in...
These bags fit Simplicity Sentry, 6000 series, 5000 series, the "old school" Symmetry models with SYM in the model name, S20E and S20SC.
The SAH-6 bags do not fit any other S20 series models. For...
A rubber seal and thick bag collar seal tightly to your vacuum to keep dust from leaking out. The bags fit certain household and commercial Simplicity lightweight vacuum models. Pack of 6 bags.
HEPA media bags for the Simplicity Whoosh portable canister accessory vacuum.
Bags feature a heavy-duty cardboard bag collar. Filter media meets HEPA media filtration standard of 99.97% efficiency...
These HEPA media bags fit the Premier Power Team and Mid Size Canisters.
Whether you have the Gusto, Moxie, S38 or S36 power team canisters, or the Verve, Jessie, Cinch, S30, S24, S20 or S18...
Genuine HEPA media vacuum bags fit most Simplicity Symmetry S20 models with the red self-sealing bag collar. Pack of 6 bags fits these models:
For all other Symmetry models,...